What is disc golf?
Disc golf is like golf, with discs instead of clubs, with baskets instead of holes. It is a popular sport for all ages, sizes, weights and fitness levels. At the same time, disc golf is a walk in the park, ideal for relaxing, letting go of everyday life and enjoying nature outdoors with friends.
Important information
The first and most important rule is to be considerate of other players, park visitors and nature. We want to have fun together in the fresh air.
Better safe than sorry
It may not be thrown if there is a possibility that your throw could endanger others. If in doubt, we wait and seek friendly contact.
There are disc golf holes that are not completely visible. It is mandatory to "spot" here, i.e. the player whose turn it is last goes first and checks whether the fairway and its surroundings are free of passers-by and their pets. He signals this to the player whose turn it is:
Arms crossed in front of the body = “Don’t throw!”, arms raised = “Clear to throw!”
Cleanliness and integrity
Please do not leave any litter behind and keep the course clean by picking up other people's litter and throwing it into the bins on site. This helps us all and especially nature!
No plants may be broken, trampled on or otherwise damaged; only fallen dead wood may be set aside if it impedes the throw.
Fair play
A successful lap is both a motoric and psychological challenge that requires concentration and self-control. Therefore, it is good manners to remain quiet around the throwing teammate - i.e. to stay standing, not to talk loudly or to cause any other distraction.
In addition, it serves the general interest to get rid of the hassle of a failed throw as quickly as possible. You lose concentration for the next throw and your teammates miss positive feedback.
Game flow
You will meet other players on your round, so be considerate of each other. If there is a traffic jam at a lane, make sure the game flows quickly and let a smaller/faster group go ahead. Sometimes two lanes intersect, in which case the players on the lane with the higher lane number have priority.
Disc choice
For your first rounds in the City North you will only need a putter or a mid-range disc - even if it is difficult. Drivers, even if it's tempting to really hit them, only make sense with increasing throwing and playing experience.
The rules
Like any sport, disc golf has a strong set of rules to address all possible situations. We'll introduce you to the most basic rules here so that you can get off to a good start in our world of flying discs.
The tee
The tee is the starting point of every hole, also called the throw-off point. On our course the tees are marked by drop signs. The drops themselves are made of stone or artificial turf, in some cases a line on the side of the path if you have to throw off from the path. This throwing line must not be crossed when throwing.
Any starting order is determined on the first hole, and on the following holes the person who previously needed the fewest throws on the hole always throws first from the tee. The person with the second fewest throws throws second, etc.
The fairway
The fairway is the playing field of the course. On the fairway, the person furthest from the basket always throws next. The other players stay behind the player to ensure a free and safe throwing field.
The basket
The aim of the game is to ensure that the disc is in the basket, not underneath or above the chains. If the disc hangs in the chains, this is also considered "holed".
The O.B
OB stands for “Out-of-bounds”, i.e. “Im Out”. If a disc lands in the OB, the player receives a penalty throw and must continue playing from where the disc was last "safe", i.e. within the playing field. From this point he can stand three feet (1m) into the playing field from the OB line.
If the disc is even slightly on or above the playing field, the disc is "safe" and the player can continue throwing without a penalty and also at a distance of 1m from the OB. In case of doubt, the group decides together whether a disc is safe.
"Mando" is the short form of Mandatory and indicates a compulsory obstacle that must be avoided in a given direction. If this fails, the player receives a penalty throw.
Drop zone
A drop zone is an alternative drop point after unsuccessful throws. On some courses there is a rule to continue playing from the drop zone if you have thrown into the OB or missed a mando.
The par
Par is the abbreviation for "Professional average result", i.e. the average number of throws that a professional needs to reach the basket. If you need one less throw, it's called "birdie" and two less "eagle". If you need one more, it's called a "bogie", "double bogie" for 2 more, "triple..." for 3, etc.
And now get started! We wish you a nice round!
The official rules
You can find out more about the rules and etiquette directly from us on the course. Just contact us. You can find the current rules here: PDGA - Rules
PDGA Disc Golfer's Code
We would particularly like to draw your attention to the “Disc Golfer's Code”. A great initiative by the PDGA, the Professional Disc Golf Association, which is also responsible for the rules. Take a look at it and please implement it: https://www.pdga.com/code